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Minimalism. London, Phaidon Press , 2000.

Minimalism. (+ zoom image)

[Art Minimal / Minimal Art].


London, Phaidon Press Limited, 2005, reliure cartonnée sous jaquette illustrée, 200 pp., (29,7 x 25,7 cm).

Importante illustration couleur et noir et blanc autour des artistes présentés : Carl ANDRE, Dan FLAVIN, Donald JUDD, Sol LEWITT, Robert MANGOLD, Brice MARDEN, Robert MORRIS, Robert RYMAN, Robert SMITHSON, Frank STELLA...

Texte de James Meyer (english edition).

" Minimalism was a movement pioneered in America in the late 1960s that aimed at reducing sculpture and painting to its most essential forms. Through the work of its five key practitioners, Carl Andre, Dan Flavin, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt and Robert Morris, this book examines in words and pictures the defining characteristics - and the debates - of the art belonging to movement. Although all these clean-edged works can be identified by certain recurring elements - symmetry, repetition, seriality and factory production - this book documents the surprising variety of work produced within these rigid confines. Alongside images of the key works and the historical exhibitions of Minimalism, author James Meyer presents the sides in the debate around Minimalism from the late 1950s to the present day along with artists' statements, reviews and commentary. " (note de l'éditeur).

Très bon état / Very good condition.

Prix : 65 €
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