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BEN (VAUTIER)- Ist alles Kunst? Berlin, Kehrer Verlag, 2015.

© Ben Vautier. (+ zoom image)


Ist alles Kunst?

Berlin, Kehrer Verlag, 2015, broché sous couverture illustrée, 316 pp., (28 x 22,5 cm).

Exhibition Museum Tinguely, Basel, 21 October 2015 to 22 January 2016.

Under the title Is everything art? (Est-ce que tout est art?) Museum Tinguely is dedicating to Ben Vautier, who celebrates his 80th birthday in summer 2015, his first comprehensive retrospective in Switzerland.
This project is focusing on his most relevant works of the early years from 1958 until 1978 positioned in art historic and art theoretic matters, as well as on the variety and energy of his current art production.

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