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John BALDESSARI - A Catalogue Raisonne of Prints and Multiples 1971-2007. New York, Hudson Hills Press Inc, 2010.

© John Baldessari. (+ zoom image)


A Catalogue Raisonne of Prints and Multiples 1971-2007.

New York, Hudson Hills Press Inc, 2010, reliure cartonnée et jaquette rhodoïd, 540 pp., (31,2 x 23,8 cm - 3,3 kg).

John Baldessari, conceptual artist and teacher, has lived and worked in California all his life.

Considered a pioneer of postmodern ideas in the 1970s, he came to prominence with his early text paintings and moved on to photographic images paired with text. He has maintained his interest in the relationship of words and imagery, of delighting in the absurd and pointing out the irony in contemporary art theory for more than 35 years.

Although Baldessari has been active as a printmaker since 1970, The Prints of John Baldessari, A Catalogue Raisonne 1971 - 2007, marks the first comprehensive accounting of this tremendous body of work and the influence this artist has had on the international art world.

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